The Craft Cabin

National Yarn Shop Day: Octopuses for Preemies

Save the Date – Saturday, May 6th!

We love our yarn every day, May 6th is extra special because it\’s Yarn Shop Day. We are delighted to be taking part in this annual event which celebrates local yarn shops around the country.Join us for coffee, cake & crochet! And lots more!

We’ve got so much planned for the day and throughout May…

Look at what we are getting up to:

Octopuses For Preemies


Can you knit or crochet?

We\’re looking for volunteers to knit or crochet Octopuses for Preemies! These wonderful little creatures are given to premature babies to give them something to hold onto, rather than pull on their tubes. They also feel like the umbilical cord to the baby.

If octopuses aren\’t your thing, make a blanket instead!

We\’re giving away FREE yarn and patterns to every volunteer to show our appreciation! Pop in from the 6th of May to get your pack and bring them back at the end of the month. We’ll be donating them to ???

Why not come along to our Knit-A-Long/Crochet-A-Long on the 6th May from 11 am – 2 pm and get started on your octopus or blanket!

Free patterns

We have three wonderful free patterns to giveaway to every shopper on the 5th and 6th May! Get your hands on Coral The Mermaid, Rainbow The Unicorn, a pretty blanket or knitted bunting when you buy any yarn on May 5th and 6th!

Loyalty Card Launch

We will officially launch our Loyalty Card on the 6th of May! Get a stamp with every €15 you spend and once you collect 10 stamps you’ll get €10/£11.50 off your next €20 purchase.

To celebrate our new scheme, we’re giving away double stamps on Friday 5th and Sat 6th!


On Friday 5th and Saturday 6th, we\’ll have lots of promotions on our yarns too. We’ll have 2 for 1’s, project pack discounts and lots more – Yahoo!

To find out more about the day why not pop in-store for more information, follow us on Facebook and/or sign up to our newsletter

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