The Craft Cabin


We do not hold any personal data. Instead, personal data is stored on a remote secure server and is the full responsibility of our website hosting company, who is a SAS-70 certified data centre provider. If you have any questions concerning website privacy and data use, we suggest that you refer to our hosting provider; Hosting Ireland. 

We reserve the right at all times to place advertisements and promotions on the website. Advertisers and sponsors on the website are solely responsible for complying with all local, national, state and international laws (where relevant) and we exclude all liability howsoever caused there from.
We use the information you provide us:
  • To administer your account and may disclose your details to our third party service providers for the purpose of processing your order.
  • And, from time to time, to inform you by post, email or other available means of products, services, promotions and special offers from our retail channel and homestore + more.
  • We will only contact you by telephone if there is a query regarding your order.
  • We may pass on non-personal aggregated information about sales and website usage to reputable organisations for research or analysis purposes only.
  • Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer hard drive.

    We use cookies for the following reasons:

    • To identify you as you travel around our site.
    • To provide site usage information, which together with purchase information, will further help us improve and develop the products and services we offer. No recognisable personal information is stored in the cookie that can link it back to an individual.
  • We take your online security very seriously. Our hosting provider is PCI Level 1 compliant and we cannot overstate the importance of that assertion by an independent third party.

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