
The Craft Cabin

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Fleece Knotted Blanket

Our recent Fun With Fleece post has inspired us to try something new ourselves! This knotted blanket is sooooo easy! If you can tie a simple knot – you can make this no-sew blanket in no time at all!
Here are the eight simple steps:

  1. Cut out squares of 25cm x 25cm

2. Measure 5cm in from edge and place a strip of masking tape parallel to edge. Cut strips up to edge of the tape about 1.5cm – 2cm apart.

3. Remove tape and re-use, and repeat cutting strips on all 4 sides. You\’ll find a 5cm x 5cm square at each corner has been cut away.

4. Place 2 squares side by side, knot one strip from each square together and continue along one full side.

5. Continue knotting squares together until you have a strip of joined squares, the length you want your blanket.

6. Carry on adding and knotting until your blanket is the desired size.

7. You may find you need to do a double knot at all the outer edges to secure.

8. Place over your knees, zap the telly on and stay toastie warm whilst watching!


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